As we SPRING into full CAREER SEARCH SEASON, we thought it may be helpful to shed some light on the MYTHS and MISCONCEPTIONS of Recruitment. Read on as we debunk some of the most common QUESTIONS surrounding working with a RECRUITER!


Myth #1: Do I have to pay to use the services of a Recruiter?

PARTNERING with a recruiter WON’T cost you a dime. At Sauce Recruitment, our services are funded by the HIRING COMPANY; the EMPLOYER, not the candidate. Our PRIMARY responsibility is to FIND the BEST CANDIDATE for our CLIENT/The employer.  The EMPLOYER pays for the service.


Myth #2: MESSAGES received on Social Media from Recruiters aren’t relevant to me.

The dreaded spam—a digital deluge as unwelcome as April showers (and truly a pain in our side as it gives ALL RECRUITERS a bad rap). Sauce Recruitment takes a different approach. We value personal CONNECTIONS over mass mailings and messages. If we reach out to you, it’s with a tailored message crafted just for you. Read on and you will realize the relevance to our note. Sometimes we need to have a few qualifying questions answered, but rest assured, we understand the part of the industry you work in and what would make for a great next career move for you.


Myth #3: Do I need to complete a resume and cover letter before engaging with a recruiter?

Great news! Gone are the days of lengthy cover letters and elaborate resumes. With Sauce Recruitment, simplicity is key. A resume is still a must and preferred as a starting point. But if you don’t have one ready, don’t let that delay reaching out for a preliminary conversation. Your Recruiter becomes your CHAMPION, streamlining the process and telling your story to the EMPLOYER so you can save time of the unnecessary word-smithing.


Myth #4: My chances of getting an offer are better if I go through someone I know, rather than HR or a Recruiter.

This may be true in some instances, but the autonomy to make hiring decisions is no longer the sole decision of the hiring manager. Consider the times when a “we should go for coffee” conversation left you in a situation where you are feeling awkward about following up but also not sure where things were left. Months go by and your interest has been lost in the shuffle. In the fast-paced world of job changes, waiting can feel like an eternity. At Sauce Recruitment we are your allies in the quest for swift communication. We support the expediency of the process and seek constructive feedback so you know where you stand when it comes to the interest of the decision makers in having you on board. Sometimes a NO THANK YOU, is far better than a WAIT AND SEE approach.


Myth #5: Using a Recruiter will get you a stronger, more lucrative offer.

While the promise of a higher salary is alluring, it’s not always guaranteed. At Sauce Recruitment, we bring a dose of REALISM to the table. While we strive to secure the best possible compensation, it’s your skills and experience that truly bloom in the spotlight. If you’ve been offering your current employer a ‘Loyalty Discount’ for years now, it’s true, we can certainly help you elevate your compensation to INDUSTRY STANDARDS. However, if you’ve kept up with industry increases, you may already be a top earner. When our Recruiters have compensation conversations with candidates, we help clear the air for you so you know if you are within fair pay or deserve an increase.


Myth #6: The Recruiter will update my RESUME.

While the idea of a resume makeover sounds enticing, it’s not where our magic truly lies. Instead of polishing old resumes, we focus on cultivating FRESH OPPORTUNITIES. Yes, you can be more candid with a Recruiter, but still put in the effort to make yourself stand out, this includes having a basic resume prepared. Think of your Recruiter as you would a potential employer and show up with the same effort so they know exactly what you can offer. If you show up polished to your first meeting with the Recruiter, advocating for you will be like second nature to them.


Myth #7: Working with a Recruiter guarantees you a job.

While Recruiters can open doors and provide valuable insights, we are not magicians. Securing a job still requires effort on YOUR PART—interview preparation, networking, and showcasing your skills. Think of your Recruiter as your guides on the journey, not fairy godmothers with a guaranteed happily ever after.


Myth #8: Recruiters only care about filling roles and getting paid.

THIS IS NOT TRUE. NEVER. NO THANK YOU. At Sauce Recruitment, we’re not just matchmakers—we’re career architects. We take the time to understand your ASPIRATIONS, STRENGTHS, and GOALS. Whether you’re aiming for a promotion, a career change, or simply seeking growth opportunities, we’re here to help you build a path to success. The success of a strong Recruiter is in THE NETWORK we build, and the more we learn about our candidates through a genuine interest. At the end of the day, Sauce Recruiters love connecting with Insurance Industry professionals before anything else.


Myth #9: Recruiters only work with SEASONED candidates.

While it is true that our CLIENTS engage us to find THE BEST talent with the appropriate level of experience required for the role, Sauce Recruitment works with talent at all levels of their careers. We believe in nurturing potential. Whether you’re a long-term pro or a budding talent, we’re dedicated to helping you on your career journey.

It’s important to remember also that timing isn’t always in line. Many of our successful candidates established a relationship with a Sauce Recruiter BEFORE they were looking. It wasn’t until several months, sometimes year, later that the RIGHT role and employer presented itself and we made the connection of a lifetime. A recruiter is a supplement to your own network.


#10: Recruiters only care about candidates who are actively job searching.

Whether you’re actively seeking a new role or simply OPEN TO OPPORTUNITIES, Sauce Recruitment is here for you. We understand that life doesn’t always follow a linear path, and career changes can happen when you least expect them. That’s why we welcome candidates at all stages of their journey, from those in full job-hunting mode to PASSIVE SEEKERS exploring new possibilities. Timing isn’t everything and we say the key to a successful career is sharing what you can bring with your entire networking, including your Recruiter, so that when we do reach out the opportunities, they are in line with what makes sense for you.



In the world of recruitment, myths sprout like weeds. At Sauce Recruitment we don’t gate keep roles or truths when it comes to success in the Insurance Industry. Our PRIMARY goal is simply to connect the RIGHT candidate with the RIGHT role for long-term success.